
About Us

The Journey Worth Fighting For

Hey Champions of Faith!

My name is Gayahtu Fahnbulleh, the founder of Journey Worth Fighting For.

I cannot express to you all, the level of gratitude I have towards our God. Our journey with God sometimes is not easy. God has given us the opportunity to get to know Him for ourselves, and let’s just say, sometimes it’s not under the best of circumstance.

My journey started off no different from anyone. Being so caught up with life, I never took the time to build a lasting relationship with God. I was consumed with the world and allowed things and people to become my god. As I continued to make the wrong choices, God was watching my every moment, waiting patiently for the right time. As He continued to pursue me, I kept on ignoring Him. I wasn’t ready to be in an intimate relationship with Him. I was fine with just seeking Him when time presented itself. It appeared I knew what I wanted and where I was headed. And as God waited for the right moment, He placed a burning desire in my heart to seek Him with all my soul. His presence was a love powerful then any love I had ever and will ever experience. And, lets just say God was working to prepare me for the journey ahead.

God had placed close angels in my life, women and men of faith that would help guide me on my journey. As my new love for God grew, He continued to call me closer, which eventually led me to a 160 Day Partial Fast. Waking up at 4am to commune with God, eating no choice food, reshaping my mind and planting good seeds within myself, didn’t only help me overcome my adversity, it encouraged me to create Journey Worth Fighting For; a place where we can all build a relationship with God.

Journey Worth Fighting For motivates, encourages and uplifts us to stay focus on our journey, while continuing to stay in God’s will. 

I pray this blog inspires you to become closer to God, grow in faith, be humble, walk with grace, hope, laugh, smile, cry, forgive and most importantly choose to love, being the greatest gift of all.

This is a Journey Worth Fighting For

God is 100% Love. His very being is love. His love is self-sacrificing and He chooses to love us even when we do not fully understand the concept of love. God’s love has no beginning or end, and because of that, He will never deny us or neglect us.
~Gayahtu F
