
In: Book of the Month


Book of the Month: April. 2021

The 40 – Day Sugar Fast | By: Wendy Speake Hey Champions of Faith! What happens when physical detox meets spiritual transformation? It becomes a 360 reshaping of body, soul and spirit!  I have always been devoted to fasting for spiritual and physical benefits; and, it has become a part of…


Book of the Month: Sept. 2020

Meet Mary                                         Getting To Know The Mother of God | By: Mark Miravalle Hey Champions of Faith! Meet our Holy Mother Mary! If you don’t know by now, Mary is…


Book of the Month: Jan. 2020

The Wait | By: Devon Franklin & Megan Good One night while talking to a dear friend, our conversation seamlessly began to focus around the topic of celibacy. As we discussed the importance of practicing celibacy, he encouraged me to read The Wait, which a week later he handed me…